How To: Add An Employee - Hasmate
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How To: Add An Employee

How To: Add An Employee

The “Employees” module can be used to store information about your employees, their training, their PPE, their health monitoring, etc.

It is your choice how much information you add to an employee.  Especially if you have information in other programs.

However, we recommend all information that relates to health and safety for the employee should be noted here.

Adding an Employee

Click on “Employees” on the main navigation.

You will then see a search system of all employees already in the Hasmate program.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

Employee Details Section

This section is made up of the following fields:

  • Employee No – this could be the employee’s identifier in your finance program, etc.  This is not compulsory.
  • First Name – this is a compulsory field.
  • Middle Name – this is not a compulsory field.
  • Last Name – this is a compulsory field.
  • Gender – this is a Master File, and can also be used for pronouns, if appropriate. For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • DOB / Date of Birth – this is a date picker.
  • Employment Start Date – this is a date picker.
  • Job Title – this is a Master File. More than one employee can have the same job title. For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Reports To – this will display the Job Title Master File dropdown.  Choose the Job Title for the person that the employee reports to.
  • Employment Status – this is a Master File, and can be used to determine between full time, part time, casual employees, etc. For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Phone – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Mobile – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Address – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Email – this is an alphanumeric field.  If this email address is set up, then alerts can be emailed to them, if required.
  • Emergency Contact Details:
    • Emergency Contact Name – this should be the main person to contact if your employee is involved in an incident.
    • Emergency Contact Home Phone – this is an alphanumeric field.
    • Emergency Contact Mobile Phone – this is an alphanumeric field.
    • Emergency Contact Work Phone – this is an alphanumeric field.
    • Emergency Contact Relationship – this helps you know the relationship between the employee and the emergency contact, e.g. mother, father, wife, husband, partner, son, daughter, neighbour, etc.
  • Police Check – this is a Yes/No dropdown.
  • Employment Agreement – this is a Yes/No dropdown.
  • Pre-Employ Medical – this is a Yes/No dropdown.
  • Security Clearance – this is a Yes/No dropdown.
  • NZ Permit to Work – this is a Yes/No dropdown.
  • Work Permit No – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Work Permit Expiry Date – this is a date picker.  This will create an alert.
  • Next Review Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.  This should be a reminder for when you want to review this employee’s details, or when you want to undertake an employment review.
  • Employment End Date – when this date is passed, this will make the employee inactive – for more information, click here.
  • NZQA No – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Fire Arms Licence No – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Fire Arms Licence Expiry Date – this is a date picker.  This will create an alert.
  • Drivers Licence No – this is an alphanumeric field.  As well as noting the drivers licence information here, we recommend that a scanned copy of the licence is uploaded into the Images.
  • Drivers Licence Expiry Date – this is a date picker.  This will create an alert.
  • Drivers Licence Class – this is an alphanumeric field.
  • Folder Name/File Name/Image Folder Name – ignore these fields – these are legacy fields from an older version of Hasmate, and will be removed in the near future.

When you click “Save“, other available sections will be visible.

Business Levels

For information about adding business levels to employees, click here.


For information about adding training to employees, click here.


This section allows you to note down what PPE has been provided to this employee.  This can be useful to know when PPE needs reviewing or replacing.

To add PPE,

  • PPE Item – this is a Master File, where you can add all the possible PPE options that you require. For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Date Issued – when was this provided to the employee?
  • Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.  Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the PPE item is one that expires, then use this field.
  • Next Review Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for review. Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the PPE item is one that should be reviewed, then use this field.
  • Item Size – this can be useful for future purchasing.
  • Item Cost – this can be useful for future purchasing.
  • Purchased From – this will show all the active and inactive contractors from the “Contractors” module.
  • Comments – this is where you can make any notes about this PPE.

Click “Save“.

Additional Information

This section is for adding information about health monitoring (e.g. random drug tests, hearing tests, etc.), employment issues – but some clients use it for adding in information like:

  • Work anniversary – so that they get an alert/reminder;
  • Birthday – again, so that they get an alert/reminder;
  • Whether the employee has been given a key, passcode, etc. – useful information for when an employee leaves;
  • COVID test results.

For an example for how this can be used, click here.


This will display all incidents that have been connected to this employee.

To add an incident, you will need to go to the “Incidents” module.


This will display all hazards that have been identified by this employee.

To add a hazard, you will need to go to the “Hazards” module.


This will display all miscellaneous issues that have been connected to this employee.

To add a miscellaneous issue, you will need to go to the “Miscellaneous” module.

Review History Section

For information on our “Add Review” functionality, click here.


For information on how to add images, click here.

For information about what type of images you might upload for employees, click here.


For information on how to add attachments, click here.

For information about what type of attachments you might upload for employees, click here.

If you have further questions, please contact Hasmate.