How to Add Training - Hasmate
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How to Add Training

How to Add Training

The “Training” module can be used to add all training information that your employees (and contractors/suppliers) undertake.  This could be internal training (employee inductions, training on safe operating procedures (SOPs), etc) or external training (First Aid, etc).

Adding a Training Module

Click on “Training” on the main navigation.

You will then see a search system and a list of all training modules already in the Hasmate program.  By default, this will be empty.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

The fields to fill in are below:

  • Active – this allows you to make a training module active or inactive.  “Yes” is active, “No” is inactive.  If you stop using this training in the future, it’s better to make the training module inactive, than deleting and losing data.
  • Training Module – this is the name of the training course, e.g. “Employee Induction”, “SOP – Forklift”, “Comprehensive First Aid”, “First Aid Refresher”, etc.  This is a compulsory field.
  • Purchased From – this is where you can note down who provides this course, e.g. Red Cross, Impac, etc.
  • Business Level 1 / 2 / 3 – this allows you to connect the issue to a part of your business.  This is a compulsory field.  This is a compulsory field.
  • Description – this is where you can describe the training course in detail.  This can be useful if you have similar courses.  This is a compulsory field.
  • Comments – this is where you can note down anything else about the course.

Click “Save” to complete setup.

Employees Completed Module

This section has its own search system, and will allow you to see any employee that has previously completed this training course.  This can be useful if you need to see who has done training over a particular time period, whose training will expire in the next 6 months, etc.

To see more information about adding training to an employee, scroll down this article to the “Adding Training to an Employee” section.

To see more information about adding training to more than one employee at once, scroll down this article to the “Adding Training to multiple Employees” section.

Contractors Completed Module

This section has its own search system, and will allow you to see any contractor/supplier that has previously completed this training course.  This can be useful if you need to see who has done training over a particular time period, whose training will expire in the next 6 months, etc.

To see more information about adding training to a contractor/supplier, scroll down this article to the “Adding Training to Contractors/Suppliers” section.


For information on how to add attachments, click here.

For information about what type of attachments you might upload for training modules, click here.

Adding Training to an Employee

This can be completed two different ways:

  • by going to “Training” on the main navigation, finding the right training course, scrolling down to the “Employees Completed Module“, and clicking the “Add Employee” button; or
  • by going to “Employees” on the main navigation, finding the right employee, scrolling down to the “Training” section, and clicking the “Add Training” button.

The form that appears will have the following fields:

  • Employee – this field appears if you click “Add Employee” to a training course.  This will show a dropdown of all employees – you can only choose one.
  • Training Module – this field appears if you click “Add Training” to an employee.  This will show a dropdown of all training modules you’ve added – you can only choose one.
  • Date Received – when did the training take place?  This is a compulsory field.
  • Licence Number – you can note down if there is a specific licence number associated with this training.
  • Result – this is a Master File, and could have options like “Attended”, “Certified”, or other NZQA result options.  For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Provider – this is a Master File, and where you can note down what businesses you use for supply of this training, e.g. Red Cross, St John’s, etc.  For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Certification Received From – this is where you can note down a specific trainer’s name.
  • Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.  Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that expires, then use this field.
  • Next Review Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for review. Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that should be reviewed, then use this field.
  • Comments – this is where you can make any notes about this training, and how it went for the employee.  Did they get any feedback?

Click “Save” to complete.  This will now show on the employee’s printable profile, and in the “Employees Completed Module” on the training module.

For information on how to clear alerts, click here.

Adding Training to multiple Employees

This is particularly useful if more than one employee does the same training on the same day with the same result.  E.g. 20 staff doing first aid training today, and all passing.

You can either add this training in individually, or bulk load this information once!

To do this, go to “Training” on the main navigation, find the right training course, scrolling down to the “Employees Completed Module“, and click the “Import” button.

The form that appears will have the following fields:

  • Module – by default, this will choose the training module from the dropdown, that you clicked the “Import” button from.  However, you can change this if it’s not correct.
  • Result – this is a Master File, and could have options like “Attended”, “Certified”, or other NZQA result options.  For more information on updating the Master File, click here.  If any of these employees got a different result to the others, create an individual training file for that person.
  • Provider – this is a Master File, and where you can note down what businesses you use for supply of this training, e.g. Red Cross, St John’s, etc.  For more information on updating the Master File, click here.
  • Date Received – when did the training take place?  This is a compulsory field.
  • Licence Number – you can note down if there is a specific licence number associated with this training.  This is only appropriate if all employees that did the training get the same licence number.  Otherwise, leave this blank.
  • Next Review Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for review. Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that should be reviewed, then use this field.  Note – this will create an alert for each employee that did the training.
  • Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.  Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that expires, then use this field. Note – this will create an alert for each employee that did the training.
  • Comments – this is where you can make any notes about this training, and how it went for the employee.  This is only appropriate if all employees that did the training get the same comments.  Otherwise, leave this blank.
  • Certification Received From – this is where you can note down a specific trainer’s name.
  • Select Employee Details:
    • Available Employees – by default, this will automatically have any employees (active and inactive) that have not completed this training module in the past.  Make sure you move any employee that would like this training to be connected to, to the “Assigned Employees” list, by clicking on the employee, and then the > button.
    • Assigned Employees – by default, this will automatically have any employees (active and inactive) that have completed this training module in the past.  If they aren’t appropriate, click on an employee, and then click the < button to return them to the “Available Employees” list.  Any employees in the “Assigned Employees” list when you click “Save“, will have the above training information added to them.

Click “Save” to complete.  This will now show this training on all the assigned employees’ printable profiles, and in the “Employees Completed Module” on the training module.

Adding Training to Contractors/Suppliers

This can be completed two different ways:

  • by going to “Training” on the main navigation, finding the right training course, scrolling down to the “Contractors Completed Module“, and clicking the “Add Contractor” button; or
  • by going to “Contractors” on the main navigation, finding the right contractor, scrolling down to the “Training” section, and clicking the “Add Training” button.

The form that appears will have the following fields:

  • Contractor – this field appears if you click “Add Contractor” to a training course.  This will show a dropdown of all contractors – you can only choose one.
  • Training Module – this field appears if you click “Add Training” to a contractor.  This will show a dropdown of all training modules you’ve added – you can only choose one.
  • Contractor Employee – this allows you to note down the name or names of the contractor employees that undertook this training on this day.  This is a compulsory field.
  • Licence Number – you can note down if there is a specific licence number associated with this training.
  • Next Review Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for review. Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that should be reviewed, then use this field.
  • Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.  Note – only fill in the expiry date OR the next review date, or you will end up with TWO alerts.  If the training course is one that expires, then use this field.
  • Comments – this is where you can make any notes about this training, and how it went for the contractor employee/s.  Did they get any feedback?

Click “Save” to complete.  This will now show on the contractor’s printable profile, and in the “Contractors Completed Module” on the training module.

For information on how to clear alerts, click here.

If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.