How to Add a Contractor - Hasmate
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How to Add a Contractor

How to Add a Contractor

The “Contractors” module can be used to store information about all your contractors, sub-contractors, and suppliers.  Basically, any other business you work with!

Adding a Contractor

Click on “Contractors” on the main navigation.

You will then see a search system of all active contractors already in the Hasmate program.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

Contractor / Supplier Details Section

This section is made up of the following fields:

  • Contractor/Supplier Name – make sure you include any specifics in their business name, if you are using multiple branches of a business, etc.  E.g. ABC Ltd Auckland, ABC Ltd Tauranga.
  • Type – for more information about contractor type, click here.
  • Business Category – for more information about business category, click here.
  • Physical Address – note down the physical address of the contractor/supplier.
  • Postal Address – note down the postal address of the contractor/supplier.
  • Email – note down the best email address for the contractor/supplier.
  • Company Contact Person – note down the name of the person who is your main point of contact at that contractor/supplier.
  • Site/Contractor Manager – this shows the “Employee” dropdown, for you to choose your employee that manages this contractor, or is their main point of contact.
  • Phone – note down the best phone number for the contractor/supplier.
  • After Hours Phone – note down the best after hours phone number (in case of emergency) for the contractor/supplier.
  • Mobile – note down the best mobile number for the contractor/supplier.
  • Next Company Review Date – this is when you are going to review your relationship with this contractor/supplier.  This will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.
  • H&S Contract Review Date – this is when you are going to review their health and safety policies, etc.  This will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.
  • Insurance Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.
  • Public Liability Insurance – this is a numerical field for you to add the dollar amount that’s appropriate.  This can be no larger than 999,999,999.
  • Active – this is a Yes/No field – by default, it will be “Yes”, and the contractor will be active.  If it is “No”, the contractor will be inactive, and you will not see the contractor in the Contractor search results (unless you have “Active” is “No” when you are searching – for more information, click here).
  • Selection Criteria – for more information, click here.
  • Folder Path / File Path / Image Folder Path – ignore these fields – these are legacy fields from an older version of Hasmate, and will be removed in the future.

When you click “Save“, other available sections will be visible.

Business Levels Section

For more information about connecting business levels to a contractor, click here.

Contractor Audit Section

For more information about risk assessment, click here.

Training Section

For more information about training, click here.

Service Providers Review Section

For more information about service providers reviews, click here.

Miscellaneous Section

For more information about associating contractors to miscellaneous, click here.

Review History Section

For information on our “Add Review” functionality, click here.


For information on how to add images, click here.

For information about what type of images you might upload for contractors, click here.


For information on how to add attachments, click here.

For information about what type of attachments you might upload for contractors, click here.

If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.