Contractor Type vs Contractor Category - Hasmate
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Contractor Type vs Contractor Category

Contractor Type vs Contractor Category

In the Contractor module, there are two fields that can be confused – Contractor Type and Contractor Category.

Contractor Type

The HASMATE program has been designed to be flexible, and it’s for this reason that we have the “Contractor Type” field.  This allows you to define whether the contractor is in fact a contractor, or a supplier, or a sub-contractor, etc.

How to add a new Contractor Type

To do this, please click on “Master Files” in the program menu, then “Contractor”, and then “Contractor Type“.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

Type what you want the new type to be called into the “Contractor Type” box.  Make sure “Active” is set to “Yes“.

Click the “Save” button.

Contractor Category

This is the service that your contractor is committed to do for you – e.g. plumbing, building, etc.

Often businesses have more than one contractor for a particular service, so being able to categorise a contractor makes it easier to compare contractor to contractor.

This is particularly useful when comparing the performance of your selected contractors, and for future selection to undertake work for you.

How to add a new Contractor Category

To do this, please click on “Master Files” in the program menu, then “Contractor”, and then “Business Category“.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

Type what you want the new type to be called into the “Business Category” box.  Make sure “Active” is set to “Yes“.

Click the “Save” button.

If you have further questions or require training, please contact Hasmate.