How To: Add An Asset - Hasmate
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How To: Add An Asset

How To: Add An Asset

The “Assets” module can be used to store information about your company vehicles, buildings, equipment, machinery, and more.

Adding an Asset

Click on “Assets” on the main navigation.

You will then see a search system of all active assets already in the Hasmate program.

Click the green “Add” button on the right hand side.

The Asset Details Section

This section is made up of the following fields:

  • Registration Number – this is not automated.  For vehicles, use this field for the registration number.  For other assets, you could use this field for an identification number, a tag number, etc.
  • Asset – this is the asset name that will be used in reporting, connecting to hazards and incidents, etc.  Please make sure that this asset name is easily identifiable – for more information, click here.
  • Make – this is the make or brand of the asset – if appropriate.
  • Model – this is the model of the asset – if appropriate.
  • Serial Number – this can be used as an additional way of identifying the asset, if appropriate.
  • Tag Number – this can be used as an additional way of identifying the asset, if appropriate.
  • Business Levels 1/2/3 – this allows you to connect the asset to a part of your business.
  • Description – use this field to note down what this asset is used for, where it is used in the business, where it is stored, etc.
  • Purchased From – use this field to note down where you purchased this asset from.
  • Purchase Price – use this field to note down how much you purchased this asset for.  Comparing the purchase price to the “Total Maintenance Cost” field can be useful, when deciding whether an asset needs replacing.
  • Purchase/Install Date – use this field to note down the date the asset was purchased.
  • Warranty Expiry Date – this will create an alert when this is coming up for expiry.
  • Decommission Date – when this date is passed, this will make the asset inactive – for more information, click here.
  • Folder Path/File Path/Image Folder Path – ignore these fields – these are legacy fields from an older version of Hasmate, and will be removed in the future.

When you click “Save“, other available sections will be visible.

Asset Compliance

For more information about asset compliance, click here.

Asset Maintenance

For more information about asset maintenance, click here.

Associated Incidents

This will show any incidents associated to this asset.

You cannot connect an asset to an incident from this screen, you will need to go to the appropriate incident, and connect the asset from there.

If there is an incident showing, you can click the “Open” button beside the incident to view more information about the incident.

Associated Hazards

This will show any hazards associated to this asset.

You cannot connect an asset to a hazard from this screen, you will need to go to the appropriate hazard, and connect the asset from there.

If there is a hazard showing, you can click the “Open” button beside the hazard to view more information about the hazard.

Review History

For information on this section, click here.


For information on how to add images, click here.

For information about what type of images you might upload for Assets, click here.


For information on how to add attachments, click here.

For information about what type of attachments you might upload for Assets, click here.

If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.