School Health and Safety | Hasmate
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Is your school health and safety sorted?

It’s time to re-evaluate how your school health and safety is managed.


Health and safety has always been a priority in schools, and the next step for many, is bringing it online in an easy-to-use information hub.


Do you know what staff members have had first aid training, and when it expires?


Can you easily produce a current hazard register, and do you regularly re-assess these risks and hazards?


Are you regularly maintaining your buildings, school assets, machinery and workshops?  Do you have all your records in one place?


Let Hasmate help with your school health and safety!

How HASMATE can help your school:



Note down identified hazards and risks, controls to be used, and reminders for review.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…



Note down incidents, injuries, near misses, and equipment damage.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


Staff Training

What internal or external training staff have had, and when it needs renewing or expires.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


School Assets

Sections to add information about compliance and maintenance of school buildings, equipment, machinery, etc.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…



Record all hazardous substances stored/used on site, and current copies of safety data sheets.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


Levels of Access

Allows different levels of access into the program – what modules can be seen, what information can be edited.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


Staff Information

A place to store emergency contact information, training, PPE, health monitoring information, etc.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


Contractor & Supplier Info

What contractors/suppliers you work with, who has been inducted onto school grounds, etc.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…


Document Management

Allows you to upload all policies/procedures used at school, and when they are next to be reviewed.

Find out more about how this could be used in your school…

Education/School Safe Operating Procedures!

We’ve put together a starter pack of 10 SOPs ($495 + GST – valued at $550 + GST) that all schools will use:

  • Chainsaw
  • Knapsack and Spot Spraying
  • Ladder Safety
  • Lawnmower OR Ride On Mower OR Tractor Mowing
  • Leaf Blower
  • Manual Lifting/Handling
  • Office Safety
  • Mowing
  • Safe Use of Equipment and Power Tools
  • Vehicle Checks
  • Working on Roofs

Enquire today, or fill out our online safe operating procedure form.

Contact us if you have a question or need information..