Free Health and Safety Documents | Hasmate
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Free Health and Safety Documents for Download

Some free documents for you…

  • Monthly Vehicle Safety Checklist (F071-02) – 1 page
    A form containing 31 items to check, that could be used for many forms of vehicle. This can be used daily, weekly, monthly – it’s flexible!
    Click here to download for free.
  • Document Review Process – 1 page
    To help with the continuous improvement of your business, we have created a checklist to help with the document review process.  For more information on the process, read our “Reviewing Your Health and Safety Documents” article.
    Click here to download for free.
  • Contractor’s Induction Form (F056-08) – 1 page
    A form containing 15 items to check when inducting an employee of a contractor onto site.
    Click here to download for free.
  • Entering Clients Sites Procedure (PRO058) – 1 page
    A 16 point procedure for entering a clients site, including signing in, permits, PPE, inductions, etc.
    Click here to download for free.

Other useful H&S links…

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