Health and Safety Forms New Zealand | Hasmate health and safety
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Health and Safety Forms

Starting from $55 + GST each.

If the Form you require is not in the list below, please contact Hasmate, and we can create appropriate health and safety forms for your business.

Some examples of health and safety forms that we can provide your business:


  • Acceptance Letter
  • Application for Employment
  • Application for Holidays
  • Consent for Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Consent for Medical Checks
  • Disciplinary Action Checklist
  • Disciplinary Meeting Record
  • Disciplinary Meeting Request
  • Drug Rehabilitation
  • Employee Information and Hasmate
  • Employee Telephone Interview
  • Employee Training Record
  • Employment Application – Seasonal
  • Employment Checklist
  • Employment Exit Interview
  • Employment Interview Form
  • Employment Probationary Review
  • GP Consent Letter
  • Job Description
  • Letter of Offer (salary)
  • Letter of Resignation (immediate)
  • Medical Checklist
  • Person Description
  • Rehabilitation Objectives Letter
  • Return to Work Checklist
  • Return to Work Plan
  • Skills and Experience Checklist
  • Staff Appraisal
  • Staff Meeting
  • Staff Meeting Record
  • Staff Training Record
  • Supervisors Explanation
  • Surpervisors Meeting Record
  • Telephone Reference Checklist
  • Termination (notice of)
  • Training Identification Matrix
  • Training Providers Selection Criteria
  • Training Schedule
  • Verbal Warning (notice of)
  • Written Warning (notice of)


  • Induction Checklist
  • Induction Small
  • Personal Grievance
  • Reasonable Cause Observations
  • Regret Letter

Health and Safety

  • Accident and Incident Investigation Questions
  • Accident Incident Record Log
  • Accident Investigation
  • Accident Reporting Form (govt)
  • Accident Witness Statement
  • Alternative Duties
  • Audit – Health and Safety
  • Audit – Machinery and Equipment
  • Audit – Maintenance Safety
  • Chemical Spill Emergency Checklist
  • Company Rules
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Contractors Induction
  • Contractors Letter
  • Contractors On Site Checklist
  • Contractors Safety & Security Agreement
  • Contractors Site, Task Analysis & Hazard Control Plan
  • Election of Health and Safety Reps
  • Emergency & Environmental Planning
  • Emergency and Evacuation Training Record
  • Emergency Drill Observers Checklist
  • Emergency Matrix
  • Emergency Numbers
  • Emergency Wardens and Employees Responsibilities
  • Evacuation Checklist
  • Evacuation Planning & Debriefing
  • First Aid Equipment Schedule
  • First Aider & Wardens
  • Forklift Gage Assessment
  • Forklift Inspection Report
  • Hazard – Risk Assessment Matrix
  • Hazard Assessment Question
  • Hazard Register
  • Hazardous Substance Storage
  • Hazardous Substances Inventory
  • Health and Safety Appraisal Form
  • Health and Safety Meeting Record
  • Hot Work Permit
  • Induction – Health and Safety
  • Induction Competency Check
  • Induction Health and Safety Rules
  • Induction Information
  • JSA form – contact us to discuss!
  • Maintenance of Equipment
  • Minor Accident Hazards Log
  • Minor Accident Reporting Form
  • Modified or New Equipment
  • Monitoring Prompt List
  • Monitoring Schedule
  • Notification to Fire Service
  • Permit to Work
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • PPE Multi Matrix
  • PPE Usage Matrix
  • Process Analysis
  • Product Safety Card MSD Sheet
  • Quality & Safety Improvement Form
  • Quality & Safety Improvement Log
  • Safety Equipment
  • Safety Information and Resource Register
  • Specialist Advisors
  • Visitors General Hazard List
  • Visitors Register
  • Working at Height Permit

Quality Management ISO9001

  • Audit Checklist (internal)
  • Audit ISO Management Audit
  • Audit Plan
  • Audit Register
  • Authority and Responsibility Matrix
  • Capability Checklist
  • Client Compliant Form
  • Contract Review
  • Contractor Suppliers Monitoring
  • Contractors Listing
  • Contractors Suppliers Appraisal
  • Contractors Suppliers Listing
  • Design Control Checklist
  • Document Amendment Log
  • Document Input Checklist
  • Equipment and Calibration Record
  • Forms Identification
  • Management Review Record
  • Manual Amendments
  • Manual Authorisation
  • Master Register of Test Equipment
  • Objectives (business planning)
  • Quality Systems Managers Job Description
  • Workplace Improvement


  • Vehicle Accident Information
  • Vehicle Checklist
  • Vehicle Safety Checklist

Contact us if you have a question or need information…