Employment Forms and Documentation - Hasmate
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Employment Forms/Documentation/Packs

See below.

Hasmate have developed a portfolio of employment procedures, supporting documents, and guidelines that are suitable for businesses of any size.

These are set out in an easy step-by-step process that complements your employment agreement from the “Application for Employment” to the “Exit Interview Procedure”, and everything else between.

They are designed to help businesses get it right first time, and to reduce the risk of an employment dispute.

For single employment forms and procedures, please contact Hasmate direct.

Some examples of employment forms and documentation that we can provide your business:

Employment Forms and Procedures Basic Pack ($1,350 + GST, reduced from $1,575 + GST)

  • Employment Procedure PRO010A
    This shows how to use all the employment forms and procedures, and in what order.
  • Ideal Person Description Form F010-01
  • Application for Employment Form F010-03
  • Skills & Experience Checklist (example) F010-04
  • Job Description (example) F010-02
  • Telephone Reference Checklist F010-08
  • Regret Letter F010-09
  • Employment Document Checklist F010-10
  • Acceptance Letter F010-11
  • Employment Information Form F010-06
  • Training Schedule F010-26
  • Probationary Management Procedure PRO010D
  • Employment Probationary Review Form F010-19
  • Induction Procedure PRO010C
  • Training Schedule Procedure PRO010H
  • Conducting Training Procedure PRO010I
  • Employment Appraisal Procedure PRO010B
  • Employee Appraisal Form F010-18
  • Disciplinary Actions Procedures PRO011
  • Disciplinary Action Checklist Form F011-01
  • Disciplinary Meeting Request Form F011-02
  • Disciplinary Meeting Record Form F011-03
  • Disciplinary Verbal Warning (Notice Of) F011-04
  • Disciplinary Written Warning (Notice Of) F011-05
  • Disciplinary Termination (Notice Of) F011-06
  • Exit Interviewing Procedure PRO010E
  • Employment Exit Interview Form F010-21
  • Guidelines for Managing Disciplinary Actions (18 pages)
  • Employment Guidelines (17 pages)
  • Drug & Alcohol Guidelines (11 pages)

Employment Forms and Procedures Complete Pack ($2,175 + GST, reduced from $2,385 + GST)

  • Employment Procedure PRO010A
    This shows how to use all the employment forms and procedures, and in what order.
  • Ideal Person Description Form F010-01
  • Application for Employment Form F010-03
  • Skills & Experience Checklist (example) F010-04
  • Job Description (example) F010-02
  • Employment Interview Form F010-07
  • Employee Telephone Interviewing Form F010-07A
  • Telephone Reference Checklist F010-08
  • Regret Letter F010-09
  • Employment Document Checklist F010-10
  • Acceptance Letter F010-11
  • Letter of Offer (Salary) F010-12
  • Employment Information Form F010-06
  • Induction and Health and Safety F010-15
  • Health and Safety Appraisal Form F010-17
  • Training Schedule F010-26
  • Probationary Management Procedure PRO010D
  • Employment Probationary Review Form F010-19
  • Induction Procedure PRO010C
  • Induction Competency Check F010-22
  • Training Schedule Procedure PRO010H
  • Conducting Training Procedure PRO010I
  • Training Identification Matrix F010-24
  • Employee Training Record F010-25
  • Training Provider’s Selection Criteria F010-27
  • Competency and Training Matrix F010-28
  • Training Course Debriefing F010-29
  • Employment Appraisal Procedure PRO010B
  • Employee Appraisal Form F010-18
  • Application for Holidays or Leave F010-20
  • Disciplinary Actions Procedures PRO011
  • Disciplinary Action Checklist Form F011-01
  • Disciplinary Meeting Request Form F011-02
  • Disciplinary Meeting Record Form F011-03
  • Disciplinary Verbal Warning (Notice Of) F011-04
  • Disciplinary Written Warning (Notice Of) F011-05
  • Disciplinary Termination (Notice Of) F011-06
  • Exit Interviewing Procedure PRO010E
  • Employment Exit Interview Form F010-21
  • Employee Finishing Checklist F010-31
  • Consent for Drug & Alcohol Test F016-01
  • Drug Rehabilitation Agreement F016-22
  • Reasonable Cause Observations F016-0
  • Consent for Medical Check F017-01
  • Medical Checklist F017-02
  • Guidelines for Employment (17 pages)
  • Drug & Alcohol Guidelines (11 pages)
  • Guidelines for Managing Disciplinary Action (18 pages)

Contact us if you have a question or need information…