Using Hasmate for Schools | Hasmate health and safety
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Hazard and Risk Management for Schools

Hazard and Risk Management for Schools

The Hasmate online program was designed to be used by all industries, no matter what size.

Here are some specific ways the Hasmate program can be used for those in education, specifically primary, intermediate, and high schools.

There is some great questions answered, including “Who is responsible for health and safety at a school?”, by WorkSafe here – click here.

Using the Hazards module

The Hazards module is where you are able to note down all identified hazards and risks, detailing controls to show how you are doing everything reasonably possible to remove or reduce the risk of injury or illness , and regularly reviewing them.

Some examples of hazards are:

  • School playground equipment
  • Chemical handling and storage
  • Contractors on site
  • Ride-on lawnmower
  • Weather conditions
  • Manual lifting/handling
  • Office safety
  • Workplace stress
  • Allergies
  • Driving company vehicles
  • Power Tools
  • Workshop Management
  • Ladder Safety

For each hazard, the following information can be recorded:

  • The potential harm the hazard could cause;
  • The causal factors;
  • The likelihood the harm could occur;
  • The level of risk;
  • What controls are being used to minimise risk;
  • What additional corrective actions should be used;
  • A review date for the hazard/risk;
  • And more.

For more information about adding a hazard, click here.

Article – How Often Should Hazards be Reviewed?

Article – Actual and Potential Hazards

To check out our range of 250+ hazard register templates, click here.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss this further.