Upgrade - Chemical Module - completed April 2019 - Hasmate
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Upgrade – Chemical Module – completed April 2019

Upgrade – Chemical Module – completed April 2019

We made a number of changes to the Chemicals module – some cosmetic, some more significant.

This upgrade was rolled out at Tuesday 9th of April 2019 at 5pm.

Wording Changes

  • The “HSNO Controls” section will now be called “HSNO Storage & Controls
  • The “Expiry Date” field will now be called “SDS Expiry Date“.  We found very few users of the Hasmate program were using this field.
  • The “Contractor” field will now be called “Supplier/Contractor“.

New fields

  • Containers > 5L” and “Containers < 5L” are being added.  This is because:
    “Container size and type can affect the controls you must comply with. For example, you will need a location compliance certificate for flammable liquids if you store:
    – 50 L or more in an open container
    – 100 L or more in closed containers larger than 5 L
    – 250 L or more in closed containers up to 5 L.”
    For more information, please click here.
  • Container Open” has been added for the same reason as above.  This will allow you to choose “Open” or “Closed” from the dropdown options.
  • Maximum likely amount” has been added for the same reason as above.  This also allows you to choose the units for the chemical from the dropdown options.
  • SDS available” has been added because an SDS (or a condensed version of its information) must be available for all hazardous substances at your workplace.  This will allow you to choose “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown options.

Other Changes

Associating multiple hazards

Currently, you can connect one hazard to a chemical.  You can now associate multiple hazards to a chemical.

During the upgrade, previous links to hazards will push through into the new “Chemical Hazards” sub-section.

Changing “HSNO Classification” functionality

Currently, the “HSNO Classification” dropdown/Master File is difficult to use.

This is now its own section – “HSNO Classification“. When you click the “Add HSNO Classification” button, the pop up box includes a dropdown of all the HSNO Classification options, e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1.1A, 2.1.1B, etc.  By clicking on one of these, and clicking “Save”, this will add this HSNO Classification to the chemical.  This will also display the description of this classification, e.g. 3.1 A Flammable liquid – very high hazard.

You can now connect as many HSNO Classifications to each chemical.

Note – the old HSNO Classification dropdown/Master File will not push into the new HSNO Classification section – which means you will need to add the “HSNO Classifications” to all existing chemicals – as the old information will not show.

Chemical Handling and Traceability message

If a chemical is connected to 6.1A or 6.1B using the new “HSNO Classification” section, a message will appear at the top of the chemical, and its printable profile.

“This chemical is subject to chemical handling and traceability”.

For information, please click here.

Removal of Chemical Class icons

We have decided to discontinue showing the chemical class icons – on the chemical and its printable profile.  Instead, a link will be available at the top of the chemical – “for labelling and transport information, please click here“, which takes the user to more information about HSNO labelling on the EPA website.

During the upgrade, previous chemical class icons connected to a chemical will translate into the new “HSNO Classification” sub-section.  However, as some icons are related to multiple HSNO Classifications, multiple HSNO classifications will be added to the sub-section.  Please check and remove as appropriate.

To see the “conversion” list of chemical icons to the new HSNO Classifications, please click here.

Inclusion of WorkSafe calculator link

In the “Chemical Details” section of a chemical, there is now a link to the Hazardous Substances Calculator – this is useful to check what controls are appropriate for chemicals in your workplace, and any special rules based on how much of the chemical you have in the workplace and how you have it stored.

New “Chemical Handlers” section

This is now a new section – “Chemical Handlers”. When you click the “Add Chemical Handlers” button, the pop up box includes a dropdown of all the active and inactive employees in the Hasmate program.  By clicking on one of these, and clicking “Save”, this will add this employee into the “Chemical Handlers” section for the chemical.

Note – at this stage, this doesn’t connect to the Training module, and is treated separately.

What do you need to do?

When the upgrade to the Chemical module is live, a email to all clients will be sent out.

We recommend that you check the following information for each chemical you have in the Chemical module:

  • Check that the date in the “SDS Expiry Date” field matches your most recent SDS.  If not, update this field.
  • Add information into the “Maximum Likely Amount” fields (this must be noted in your inventory).
  • Make sure you have selected a “Chemical Type” (this must be noted in your inventory).
  • Make sure you have information in the “Storage Method” field – this should be from Section 7 and 10 from your SDS (this must be noted in your inventory).
  • Make sure you have information in the “Storage Location” field – this is information about where you store this chemical  (this must be noted in your inventory).
  • Check that the HSNO Classifications are set up for the chemical.
    • If you previously had classification icons selected, you may have too many HSNO Classifications showing – please remove any that are not appropriate.
    • If you used the previous HSNO Classification master file, you will need to manually add the HSNO Classifications – for information on how to do this, please click here.

If you have further questions or require training, please contact Hasmate.