31 Aug How Business Levels and Security Roles work with JSAs
Business Levels/Security Users
Make sure the person creating/editing the JSA has access to the Business Levels (check their Security User settings) appropriate to the assets, employees, chemicals to be connected to the JSA.
Security Roles
If the person creating/editing the JSA has “Admin” as “Yes” in their Security User settings, meaning they have access to all information in the program (not restricted by Business Levels or Security Roles), then they won’t have any issues accessing the right information in the JSA.
Note – only one or two employees in the business should have “Admin” as “Yes”.
If the person creating/editing the JSA has “Admin” as “No” in their Security User settings, it would pay to check if there is any restrictions to their access in their Security Role. You will find their Security Role, when you look at their Security User settings. Make sure their Security Role has access to Employees, Assets, Chemicals, and, of course, the JSA module.
Note – they will also need access to 14 JSA-related MasterFiles – you’ll find these when you are editing a Security Role. When you are changing an existing Security Role, look at what other program users/Security Users are using the same Security Role – do they need access to these same areas? If they don’t, it might be easier to create a brand new Security Role for JSA creators/editors.
If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.