23 Nov Modifying Machinery and Equipment
What’s the best option? Buy another, modify something, add to something, or make another?
When repairs or modifications are made to machinery or equipment, these questions can arise, or in many instances, the number 8 wire mentality kicks in, and the job gets done by the owner, company engineer, or by an external contractor.
When there is no time spent planning the change, and/or there is pressure from production/management wanting the change done ASAP, this can have potentially dangerous consequences.
Time must be spent:
- Planning the change;
- Considering the actual and potential health and safety implications;
- Considering the immediate impacts;
- Considering the long term or consequential effects of the change to the workplace, other equipment, and/or the environment.
The following article illustrates the sad and consequential effects of such changes.
Modified Machine Created Risk That Killed Worker – click here to read.
So, how can any business modifying machinery and equipment mitigate the risk, such as mentioned in the above article?
A key requirement for any modifications to machinery or other equipment is planning. How often does this happen and who is involved?
Modifying Machinery and Equipment Checklist
To help your business to mitigate the type of accident in the above article, Hasmate has a free offer for your business to receive a equipment/machinery modification checklist.
It contains many questions for your consideration, and to record your action and progress. It may not include all questions relevant to the equipment/machinery involved, but it’s a good start!
Contact Hasmate to receive your free copy!
Please contact us if you wish to discuss this further.