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Inspections and audits are an important way to make sure that everything in your business is working as it should be, as safely as it should be. Scheduled Business and Property Inspections Often, it’s the small and simple things that can go wrong. How often does your business undertake an inspection of its...

Previously, we have written about the health and safety terms of the methods of “risk assessment” and the definition of “all reasonably practicable steps”. The following is an opinion of how these can be applied when managing hazards and risks in your business. Case Scenario You have had a serious notifiable accident in...

Before we get into the content of this article, let's revisit the definition of what an audit is. Auditing is defined as the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a process quality (ISO 9001), health and safety system (ISO 45001), or any other compliance requirement, to ensure that...

"If he smells like a mechanic, he will be employed." These were the desperate words of one garage owner, in a situation that unfortunately turned pear shape and became very costly for the owner when it went to the Employment Court. Why? Because like so many other small to medium sized enterprise...

With summer just around the corner and winter to follow, a question that is often asked is "Who is responsible for the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) to employees and others in the workplace?" Here are several processes that should be considered when managing a company’s PPE, its distribution, use,...

What health and safety documentation do I need on site? We often get asked these questions: Do I (or my employees) have to have all my health and safety systems with me, when onsite? Do I have to have the machine-specific safe work method statements/safe operating procedures (SOPs) attached to all...

Recently, two incidents have occurred that emphasise the importance of drill press safety. The first was the entanglement of a glove (that an apprentice was wearing) on a drill bit. The employee was very lucky, as an emergency cutout button had been installed on the left-hand side of the drill press....

Recently, I was contacted by a small start-up business asking if I could assist them to implement their ISO 45001 health and safety system. Following the initial introductions, I asked the following questions: When did you start your business? Answer - 2 years ago. What type of business? Answer - transportation business. How...

Recently, there have been two court cases involving trailers uncoupling from the towing wagons. One of these incidents resulted in a fatality. As a result, we have reviewed and amended our hazard identification process and supporting safe operating procedure (SOP). I believe that for many businesses, trailers are considered a supporting piece...

The below article highlights the need and responsibility as the PCBU of a business, to ensure that if emergency procedures and equipment has been put in place, that those who have to use it know where it is located, and (more importantly) how to use it. Read article here - Enchanter...