Exporting Information out of Hasmate - Hasmate
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Exporting Information out of Hasmate

Exporting Information out of Hasmate

It’s all very well entering lots of information into the Hasmate program, but what’s most important is being able to quickly retrieve the information you’re after, when you need it.  This might be for presenting to management at the end of the month, presenting at a weekly stand-up with all employees, proving compliance to WorkSafe, etc.

Printable Profiles

For this example, let’s assume you need to prove that a particular vehicle has been regularly maintained, and that it has been reviewed regularly, e.g. vehicle checks.

To get this information, you can go to “Assets” on the main navigation, and then on the search page, find the vehicle in question.  Click “Open“.

When you can see the vehicle information in front of you, click the “Profile” button on the top right hand side of the screen, and a printable version of the information will show on your screen.  From there, you could print this, or save as a PDF to email to somebody.

Exporting information

For this example, let’s assume you want to get a basic data dump of all active assets in the Hasmate program – no matter what Business Level they are associated to.

To get this information, you can go to “Assets” on the main navigation, and then on the search page, make sure that “Active” is Yes, and click “Search“.

On the right hand of the screen, click the “Export” button.

This will download a .CSV file to your computer (an unstyled Excel spreadsheet).  It will show some basic information about each asset – e.g. it will show the fields from the “Asset Details” section.  It won’t show asset maintenance, asset compliance, etc.


For this example, let’s assume you want to get a basic hazard list (of hazards that haven’t been eliminated) for one branch of your business, e.g. Hastings.

To get this information, you could do something similar to the export mentioned above, or you could go to “Reports” on the main navigation, then “Community Reports” from the dropdown navigation.

For more information about Community Reports, please click here.

Management Report

The Management Report is a report that demonstrates the following (for 1 Business Level, over a set timeframe):

  • How many incidents per incident type – shown as a bar graph;
  • The total cost per incident type – shown as a bar graph;
  • A breakdown of when the incidents occurred – separate graph per incident type;
  • How many miscellaneous events per miscellaneous type – shown as a bar graph;
  • How many “Additional Information” events per other details type – shown as a bar graph;
  • And a review summary.

To get this report, go to “Tools” on the main navigation, then “Management Report” from the dropdown navigation.

This report isn’t able to be changed, but has a search system at the top.  It allows you to choose a Business Level to run the report for, the End Date for the report, the number of months of data before the End Date that you want to include, and whether you want to include a review history.

E.g. if you wanted to run a Management Report for the 2020 year for your Hastings branch, you would do the following:

  • Business Level 1 (or whatever you call it) would be “Hastings”;
  • Period Ending Date would be “31 Dec 2020”;
  • Trend Months would be “12”; and
  • Include Review History would be “Yes”.

The Review History is a detailed list of reviews that have been undertaken in this time frame.

The Review Summary is based on what has been completed, what hasn’t, and what is coming up in the next 3 months.

If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.