31 Aug Using the JSA search
Please click on “JSA” in the program menu.
Order of the JSAs
The JSA Search page shows 15 JSAs numerically by JSA Number.
You can reorder the JSA search page temporarily, by clicking on the “Contract Start Date” heading. Clicking on the column title again will put them in reverse order.
Note – if you go to another part of the Hasmate program, or log out and log back in, the JSA Search page will return to the default ordering by JSA Number.
JSA pages
To go to the appropriate page of JSAs, you can use the page numbering buttons.
<< takes you to the first page of JSAs
< takes you back one page
1, 2, 3, etc takes you to the exact page that you want
> takes you forward one page
>> takes you to the last page of JSAs
Using Search
To find the JSA you want, you can use one or more of the following fields to search by:
- Business Level 1, 2, and 3 (these will be named whatever you’ve named them in “Controls”, and will be drop-downs of the options you’ve previously set)
- Active (dropdown of Yes or No)
- Contract Name
- Contract Start Date Range
- Client Name (this will be a dropdown of options set up in “Master Files”).
- JSA Status
Then click the “Search” button to see the search results of JSAs appropriate to the criteria you’ve set.
To clear a search, click the “Clear” button.
Using Export
At any point, you can export some of the JSA details as a spreadsheet.
Information can also be exported after a search.
The information in the spreadsheet will include the following fields:
- JSA Number
- Date Created
- Contract Name
- Scope Of Work
- Business Level 1/2/3
- Contract Start Date
- Contract End Date
- JSA Status
- Public Liability Insurance Value
- Insurance Expiry Date
- Insurance Cover Attached
- Site Plan Attached
- Special Site Consideration
- Client Name
- Main Contact Name
- Client Phone
- Client Mobile
- Site Address
- Contract Manager
- Contract Manager Phone
- Contract Manager Mobile
- Onsite Person Responsible
- Active Flag
If you have further questions or require training on using the Hasmate program, please contact Hasmate.