Chemical Purchases and Applications - Hasmate
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Chemical Purchases and Applications

Chemical Purchases and Applications

In the Chemical module, there are two sections that can be really useful for your business – Chemical Purchases and Chemical Applications.

Chemical Purchases

This is a great place to note down every time you purchase a particular chemical – keeping your inventory up-to-date with how much of the substance you have onsite.

How to add a Chemical Purchase

To add a chemical purchase, you need to already be working on a chemical.  Scroll down to the “Chemical Purchases” section, and click the “Add Chemical Purchase” button on the right hand side.

There are four fields that you can use:

  • Price = this should be the total price of the purchase.  If you don’t use a $, this will be added into the display.
  • Purchase Date = clicking on this field will display a calendar to choose the appropriate date (this is a compulsory field).
  • Quantity = this should be a numerical value that indicates the number of units, litres, etc. purchased (this is a compulsory field).
  • Comments = this can be used to note anything particular to do with the purchase, perhaps that you’re trying a new supplier, a new MSD was provided, etc.

Click the “Save” button.

Adding in chemical purchases will update the inventory total at the top of the chemical page – which states “There are XX units in stock” – based on the purchases and applications added to the chemical.

Chemical Applications

This is a great place to note down every time you use a particular chemical – keeping your inventory up-to-date with how much of the substance you have onsite.

This was primarily built for sprays, but can be used for all chemicals as required.  The importance of detailing each application is not just about keeping an inventory of the chemical, but also being able to judge when a chemical was used, when it should be effective (e.g. when the withholding period is up), and more.

How to add a Chemical Application

To add a chemical application, you need to already be working on a chemical.  Scroll down to the “Chemical Applications” section, and click the “Add Chemical Application” button on the right hand side.

There are eight fields that you can use:

  • Start Date = clicking on this field will display a calendar to choose the appropriate date (this is a compulsory field).
  • Start Time = this uses the 24 hour clock (this is a compulsory field)
  • End Date = clicking on this field will display a calendar to choose the appropriate date (this is a compulsory field).
  • End Time = this uses the 24 hour clock (this is a compulsory field)
  • Date Cleared = this is the date when the withholding period is up – clicking on this field will display a calendar to choose the appropriate date.
  • Qty = this should be a numerical value that indicates the number of litres, etc. used.
  • Withholding Period (days) = if a particular chemical has been used near food or food products, there will be a withholding period for this food or food products before they are safe to use/process/go to market (this information should be on the MSD).  As this is a compulsory field, if this doesn’t apply to your chemical, just put 0.
  • Comments = this can be used to note anything particular to do with the application.

Click the “Save” button.

Adding in chemical applications will update the inventory total at the top of the chemical page – which states “There are XX units in stock” – based on the purchases and applications added to the chemical.

If you have further questions or require training, please contact Hasmate.