Health and Safety Policies New Zealand | Hasmate
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Health and Safety Policies

$55 + GST each.

If the Health and Safety Policies you require are not in the list below, please contact Hasmate, and we can create an appropriate Policy for your business.

Some examples of health and safety policies that we can provide your business:

  • Abandonment of Employment policy
  • Annual Leave policy
  • Bereavement Leave policy
  • Code of Conduct policy
  • Contractors Engagement policy
  • Court and Jury Leave policy
  • Credit Card Use policy
  • Driver Fatigue Management policy
  • Drug and Alcohol at Work policy
  • Drug and Alcohol policy
  • Email, Intranet, and Internet policy
  • Employment Relationship policy
  • Environmental Management policy
  • Equal Opportunity Employment policy
  • Expense, Travel, and Vehicle Use policy
  • Fatigue Management policy
  • Gift policy
  • Glass Breakage Management policy
  • Health and Safety policy
  • Health Monitoring policy
  • Premise Property Security policy
  • Quality Management policy
  • Rehabilitation policy
  • Security policy
  • Smoking in the Workplace policy
  • Staff Induction policy
  • Staff Insurance policy
  • Tools and Equipment Maintenance policy
  • Training policy
  • Uniform policy
  • Vehicle and Mobile Phone Use policy
  • Vehicle Use policy
  • Work and Employment Reference policy
  • Working Alone policy
  • Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment policy

Contact us if you have a question or need information…